Monday, October 10, 2011


*Dusts off tha old pages of mines blog*

We sposta write in our blog for class so this is about Halloweeeeeen! We sposta write wat it means to us an *not* look at google to find answers.

Halloween to me is a beginning of holiday season that I love so much! I live where it's kinda warmer than lotsa other places inna Fall an this mines favrit time of year. I love tha weather. It can be cool but sumtimes it's really warm an nice out.

We getta dress in costumes an go trick-a-treatin. That's wen we get lotsa candyyyyy! I like to play with mines candy an organize it an give away wat i dun likes.

People in mines nayborhood celebrate Halloween onna day after an sumtimes it looks really scary cuz thay dancing for dead peoples thay loved before thay died. An thay wear colorful masks that look scary sumtimes too. But thay not sposta be scary. Thay jus talkin to dead people.

I dun really like Halloween wen its scary. I jus like tha fun parties an trick-a-treatin.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Notes from an Orphan

I been a orphan for over three months. At firss I thot I would quit SLiving but I pushed myself to stay in school at least. Thankfully too cause being on my own kinna forced me to do things I never dun before. Like meet lotsa new people an lettem get close. My frens are now my fambily.

I also been on many fambily trials. An thass kinna wats brought me to write tonite.

Alla trials I had inna lass three months have all taught me sumpthing about tha world of second life an about my own self. Im grateful for alla them. An many of them are still in my life today. I now know wat I want an wat I really dont want inna fambily.

But I also see patterns with people.

Growd ups get really essited to play house. Summa them fall in love an get married an then think it will be fun an cute to have a SL kid an start a fambily. But wat thay dont take inna consideration is tha feelings of us SL kids. Thay love tha idea that a lil one adores them an looks up to them. But then after a day or a week or a month tha newness wears off an parents get bored an thay toss us aside.

I juss dont gettit.

For tha record potential parents, kids are kids. We are needy an dependent. If we werent, we would be growd ups like you. If you wanna start a fambily please be shur you are ready for tha commitment. Take note...

Things I am
a child, dependent, curious, emotional, growing, loyal, needy, loving

Things I am not
your mini therapist, your new bestie, your partner, your bank, your slave, your new shiny toy, arm candy, a fashion accessory, a mind reader

Im discouraged tonite. Im disappointed in sum people I really thot had their fambily values in check. But I gess its all for show. Im still deciding wat it is I wanna do as far as immediate fambily. It seems Im best on my own. But Im not a SL kid to be fully independent. I have a growd up for that.

On another side, Im really impressed with sum other people an their ability to be honest an show up an be loving. Thay are my forever fambily, my extended fambily, my friend-fambily. I gess thass allat matters rite now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Beauty Coin

Homework # 2

To receive a Beauty coin, you must seek an opportunity during that week where you act with beauty. It could be doing something nice for someone, sharing something special with a friend, anything you want. You can then choose to either write a journal entry about how you acted beautifully, or draw a picture of what you did to show beauty to others.

This was our homework assignment. Ive chosen many opportunitys to act with beauty. I been especially more aware of it inna last cuppla days since getting this homework. But Im struggling with tha actual assignment of writing about it. To me an act of beauty stands beautiful on its own. To write about how I acted beautifully somehow stains the beauty of the act. I would much rather write about an act of beauty I experienced or one that I witnessed or heard about. Beauty is an experience.

For instance, I am between fambilys rite now. My really close fren has found her perfeck fambily (finally) an I coudnt be happier for her. I met her fambily one nite anna cuppla hours later, outta tha blue, thay offered to be my foster parents. Juss like that. Thay had no intentions of adding any more kids to their lives. An I had stopped looking for fambily. But thay did a beautiful act by opening their home an fambily to me.

There are so many examples of beautiful acts just like this in my daily life. Its wat inspires me to give back or pay it forward. Whether I am acting in beauty, witnessing beauty or experiencing beauty, its all beautiful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Samwich for Sagey

Topic of the Day: Invent a new kind of sandwich, Describe what is on it and how you would make it.

Um this is hard caus I dont really like food much. So I think I will make something for my baby sister. Sage loves candy and cookies. As she says tanny an tookies *rolls my eyes*

I like candy an cookies too but Im in soccer training so this is for her. OK so I will take my favrit kind of cookie, chocklit chip. But only tha cookie dough, no chips. I like tha batter. So tha samwich "bread" will be cookie dough. Duh I alreddy said that. OK then I will take Sage's favrit candy, Skittles. Its her favrit caus her aunty gave her sum wen thay very first met an now Sage always eats em an passes em out to frens. Even her favrit colors. So Skittles will be inna middle of tha cookie dough.

Uhhh so I gess its a skittle samwich on cookie-dough.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Power of Peace

Topic of the Day If I had a super power what would it be and why?

This mite sound dum but I would want a super power that gave evrybuddy tha chance to understand wat other go through so we can be more compassionate with people. I wouldnt expect evrybuddy to be happy alla time or be nice to each other always because we need balance. But I would expect us to be less reactive. Like I wanna give us tha power to respond to situations an people with compassion. Not juss react outta fear. So wats that super power? Tha power of peace? Lets go with that.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stranded on an Island With...

Topic of the Day: If you were stranded on a deserted island with three people from SL, who would you choose and why?

Wow! This is a cool quesson. I woud choose my forever mommy because she knows how to take care of me an we laff an tell good storys together. I woud also choose my fren Jennah because she always sees tha good in any bad situation. She can make art out of anything so we woud live in a beautiful island. Aaaan lets see...I woud choose Rain because shes been my fren for a very long time an she recently lost fambily too so we could explore an have adventure together!

I would let Lilly stay because she jus found a great mommy an I woudnt wanna take her away frum that. Oh but Jennah did too. Hmm...Maybe Id let Jennah stay so she coud share her art with evrybuddy onna mainland.

So to replace Jennah I woud choose...uhmmm...Avy! Because shes still looking for fambily too an she can make an adventure out of nothing an nowhere. Yah! Aaaand I know my forever mommy would love Avy lots too.

Not that I hope it happens. 0.o

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tha Gilmans

One of tha things we are doing this semester in Miss Jill's class is visiting our classmates homes. We are learning about community an fambily an traditions an rituals. Fambily can look many diffrent ways. If the common theme is love and everyone is working toward the same goals then that makes a fambily.

Our first visit was to Aiyden's an Kenzie's home, which happens to also be Miss Jill's home. We learned that thay have fambily time scheduled so no matter wats going on, thay can all count on a certain day/time to be together. An thay have this really cool thing where one member of tha fambily gets to pick out wat thay do as a fambily together. An it rotates so evrybuddy gets a turn for each fambily nite. So cool.

Miss Jill an Mr Gattz are very bizzy in SL an RL an thay run their house like a real fambily home. Thay run around getting ready for school an work an thay hav breakfass an dinner together. Thay stay connected in RL an SL an thay are there for each other no matter wat.

Aiyden says he gets tha amount of RP he wants. Like its there if an wen he wants. Thass cool caus sumtimes we as kids dont always need RP an sumtimes we do. Well thass me anyway.

Thay take fambily vacations which I think is really cool.

I think wat I really value most frum seeing their fambily rituals an dynamics is that their Second Life is an enhancement of their Firss Lift. An thass how I see my SL. It doesnt replace Firss Life, it adds to it.